Pay Per Click Advertising

PPC Advertising for Restaurants: The Ultimate Strategy

Do you want to know how to use pay per click advertisement properly to take your Restaurant to next level online?
Let's Get Started
Consider implementing PPC advertising for your restaurant to increase visibility and drive traffic to your website. With strategic targeting and messaging, you can attract new customers and retain existing ones. Through careful management and analysis, you can also optimize your campaigns and track the impact on your business. Don't miss the opportunity to stand out in a crowded market and grow your restaurant's success with PPC advertising.

We have extensive experience in the restaurant industry. Over the past decade, we have honed our expertise in digital marketing for restaurants, which has proven to be a winning combination. This guide encompasses all the essential strategies you need to optimize your Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising and generate more customers.

By leveraging Google Advertisement, you can gain a significant competitive advantage in the restaurant industry. 
Our approach focuses on helping you reduce costs while increasing the quality of leads, ultimately converting more individuals into loyal customers.
Let's Get Started

This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of our proven PPC strategy specifically tailored for restaurant businesses. 

Ensuring your restaurant's presence in online searches is crucial for sustained success. More than ever, potential customers turn to popular search engines like Google to find restaurants in their local area. It is imperative that your restaurant ranks at the top of Google's search engine results when diners seek out local dining options.

That's why PPC advertising is more vital than ever for restaurant owners. By implementing a robust PPC strategy, we will ensure that your restaurant appears prominently in Google's search results, capturing the attention of potential customers. This guide will walk you through the entire process of optimizing your SEO and Pay Per Click Advertising campaigns specifically designed for restaurant businesses.
Lets Connect
ppc advertising

Table of Contents

Facebook Advertising
PPC for Restaurants: Are You Putting Paid Online Advertising To Its Full Potential?

A Quick Note for Readers

In this guide, we will cover various aspects of digital marketing and PPC advertising tailored specifically for the restaurant industry. From utilizing Facebook Advertising to optimizing PPC strategies for restaurants, we have you covered. We will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the restaurant advertisements process, ensuring you have all the necessary information to maximize the potential of your online marketing efforts.

Whether you are new to PPC or looking to enhance your existing strategies, this guide offers valuable insights. We emphasize the significance of internet marketing and pay-per-click advertising, highlighting their effectiveness in generating short-term results. We delve into specific platforms such as Google Advertising, Bing Ads, and Facebook/Instagram campaigns, providing step-by-step guidance to put your restaurant in the best possible light in search results and social media feeds.

Let's dive into the world of Pay Per Click advertising and explore how it can drive success for your restaurant business.

Schedule a free strategy session today!

What is ( PPC Advertising ) Pay-Per-Click?

SEO is more of a long-term approach, but it's important to remember that if you have no idea what you're doing, after a short time your business will not succeed. Paid online marketing, such as PPC ads and Google AdWords campaigns, is a good place to start:
Google Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
Bing Ads Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
Facebook/Instagram Campaigns
This can be a quick, efficient Pay Per Click Advertising, and successful approach to reach your goals. They are a way to put your business in the best possible light in search results and social media feeds of your target audience with just a click of a button, as well as create a long-term source of leads that you may turn on and off at leisure.

Let’s dive into how they can work for you.
restaurant pay per click advertising

Successful Pay Per Click (PPC Advertising) Campaigns For Restaurants.

In this guide, we will cover various aspects of digital marketing and PPC advertising tailored specifically for the restaurant industry. From leveraging Facebook Advertising to optimizing PPC strategies for restaurants, we have you covered. We will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the advertising process, ensuring you have all the necessary information to maximize the potential of your online marketing efforts for your restaurant.

Whether you are new to PPC or looking to enhance your existing strategies, this guide offers valuable insights. We emphasize the significance of internet marketing and pay-per-click advertising, highlighting their effectiveness in generating short-term results for restaurants. We delve into specific platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook/Instagram campaigns, providing step-by-step guidance to showcase your restaurant in the best possible light in search results and social media feeds.

Let's dive into the world of PPC advertising and explore how it can drive success for your restaurant business.
Scenario 1 is that they've already spent thousands of dollars on Google Paid Ads and received little or no return on investment, essentially wasting money.
Scenario 2 is that they understand how much it costs per click for restaurant advertising, which can reach $25-50 per click, and just cannot comprehend why they would spend so much money on advertising.

The majority of PPC campaigns fail because restaurants owners miss out on important details.

To convert visitors into royal customer, you must first learn how the AdWords platform works.
Let's Get Started
In the restaurant industry, we often come across businesses that approach AdWords by selecting a few keywords and grouping them together in a single ad group. They tend to bid either too high or too low and direct users to their website's homepage upon clicking the ad. Unfortunately, this approach is incorrect and ineffective in numerous ways.

Google places great emphasis on relevance, ensuring that paid listings align with the user's search intent. Therefore, the quality of your advertisements and the landing page where users are directed significantly impact your position in paid listings and the cost per click. If a customer searches for "best Italian restaurant," your ad won't deliver satisfactory results if it lacks relevance.

At our agency, we understand the importance of crafting targeted ads that align with the user's search intent and delivering them to relevant landing pages. By implementing a strategic approach to AdWords, we ensure that your restaurant's paid listings are highly relevant to potential customers, resulting in improved performance and cost-efficiency.
Doesn’t have the main headline about best Italian restaurant
Doesn’t give them incentive to call now to get their needs full filled
Doesn’t give them a reason to choose your restaurants over others
it is crucial that when visitors click on your ad, they are directed to a relevant landing page that addresses their specific needs and queries.

Failing to address the visitor's specific question or query can result in scenario 1 repeating itself. This means you end up spending more money on advertising than necessary and receive fewer calls than you should. It is unlikely that visitors will contact your restaurant if the ad and landing page content do not cater to their specific search intent.

So, what is the right way to approach this?

To maximize the effectiveness of your pay-per-click advertising budget, it is recommended to first organize all the services you want to promote. Then, conduct thorough keyword research and group each set of service-related keywords into its own ad group.
E.g. Group all “Best Italian Restaurants near me” keywords into one ad group together, all “Best Restaurants” keywords in another ad group
Each ad group should have its own set of ad copy that talks specifically about those services
Each ad group and ad should send the users that click to a targeted and relevant landing page on your website that only gives them information and benefits about those specific services/keywords
By doing so, your Google ad rank will improve, and not just will you save money per click, but you'll also have better conversion rates and more leads!

The Real Benefit of Restaurants Pay-Per-Click Advertising

So what’s the real benefit of Pay-Per-Click advertising like Google Platform Ads and Bing Ads? There are several huge benefits to using them:


Quick Campaign Setup: With just a few clicks, you can set up entire advertising campaigns in a day and have them live, positioning your restaurant at the top of search results for relevant phrases like "restaurant near me" or "best dining options in (your city)." This is a much faster approach compared to SEO, which often requires 6-12 months to achieve similar results.


Precise Targeting: PPC advertising allows you to narrow down your target audience by focusing on specific locations, demographics, financial criteria, and more. Platforms like Google have extensive data on various aspects of people's lives, enabling you to leverage this information to advertise to your specific demographic. This targeted approach ensures that your ads reach the right customers who are more likely to convert.


Reaching Customers Ready to Take Action: Through PPC advertising, your restaurant's ads are shown to people who are actively searching for your services and are at the bottom of the sales funnel in the purchase process. These individuals are ready to take action, whether it's making a reservation, ordering online, or visiting your restaurant. By capturing their attention through well-crafted ads, you can attract these customers and convert them into loyal patrons.
Harnessing the power of Pay-Per-Click advertising in the restaurant industry allows you to quickly establish a strong online presence, precisely target your desired audience, and engage with customers who are actively seeking your services. This strategic approach ensures that your restaurant can capture the attention of potential diners and drive tangible results through effective PPC campaigns.

The Different Pay Per Click Platforms

In the realm of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, there are several platforms available. However, the two most prominent ones that we focus on and utilize in all of our restaurant marketing campaigns are Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) and Bing Ads.

When you create campaigns on Google Ads, your restaurant's advertisements will appear on Google's search network, as well as on some of their partner websites if you choose to enable that option.

With Bing Ads, you have the opportunity to run ads on the Bing search engine, as well as on Yahoo and other partner platforms.

Which Platform Should You Choose?

So, which PPC platform should you invest your advertising budget in? We recommend allocating your budget to both Google Ads and Bing Ads.

While Google holds the majority share of the search market, Bing often remains untapped by many businesses, making it a hidden gem that can yield excellent results.

Our approach is to allocate around 85-90% of our restaurant clients' budgets to Google Ads and the remaining portion to Bing Ads. This allows us to observe how each platform performs and caters to different demographics. Additionally, Bing's pricing tends to be more cost-effective compared to Google's.

Understanding the Auction Process and Quality Score

Now, let's delve into how the auction process works in Google Ads. There is often misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding this topic. Many individuals believe that the AdWords auction is solely based on the highest cost per click (CPC).

They may think, "If I increase my bid slightly, I'll secure the top position and receive more clicks and leads."

However, it's important to remember that Google's primary objective is to deliver relevant results to its users. Consequently, they cannot simply award the top spot to the highest bidder. Instead, they employ a metric called "quality score" to assess the sponsored ads on their platform.

Quality Score and Its Importance

What is a quality score and why should it matter? Google's evaluation of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and PPC advertisements is known as a quality score. It's used to calculate your cost per click (CPC) and ad rank in the ad auction, which is multiplied by your maximum bid. Quality Score is determined by several criteria
Your ad click-through rate or CTR
The relevance of each keyword to the ad group it’s in
Relevance of your ad text
AdWords historical performance
What exactly is a quality score, and why does it matter? Quality score is Google's evaluation of the quality and relevance of your keywords and PPC advertisements. It plays a significant role in determining your cost per click (CPC) and ad rank in the auction process, which is then multiplied by your maximum bid.

Several factors contribute to your quality score, including your ad click-through rate (CTR), the relevance of each keyword to its ad group, the relevance of your ad text, and the historical performance of your AdWords account.

While the specific weight assigned to each factor in Google's Quality Score algorithm remains undisclosed, it is known that click-through rate holds significant importance. A high CTR indicates to Google that your ad is relevant and valuable to users, aligning with their goal of delivering meaningful results.

Google tends to reward ads with higher quality scores by improving their ad rankings and reducing overall CPCs. This highlights the importance of ensuring that your advertisements are relevant, engaging, and capable of capturing people's attention.

By focusing on maintaining a strong quality score, your restaurant can enhance its ad performance and drive more meaningful clicks and conversions.

How Restaurants Can Get Fantastic ROI with PPC Advertising

How can you be sure that your pay-per-click marketing efforts are providing the most benefit? How can you make the most of your pay-per-click advertising campaign?

The first step I propose is to create ad groups based on various services. As we progress, I'll break down those into smaller parts.

I want you to make a text ad that is relevant and appealing to the phrases or categories of keywords.

Then, for each ad group on a specific page of the website, I want you to acquire traffic that comes through pay-per-click. It should be a highly targeted landing page that even offers value such as products or services to your prospects who are already interested in what you have to offer.

If you do this, you'll be able to improve your quality score and have a lot more success with your AdWords campaign.

Here's how we create and manage PPC campaigns effectively:

Know Your Budget and Your Numbers

The initial step in launching your restaurant's PPC campaigns involves determining your monthly advertising budget. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the amount you are willing to allocate towards your PPC efforts.

Do you possess a comprehensive list of relevant and crucial keywords specifically tailored for your restaurant business? Preparing this list in advance will greatly assist you in focusing your keyword research in the right direction.

Even in smaller towns or cities, we recommend establishing a minimum monthly advertising budget of $1,000 for your restaurant.

Running a restaurant can be quite demanding, and managing multiple tasks and deadlines can add unnecessary stress. To avoid such situations, it is important to set realistic budget expectations. It's worth noting that not everyone is suited for this business, as it requires specific technical skills that not everyone possesses or is willing to develop.

In larger cities like Houston, Los Angeles, and others, a $1,000 budget might not be sufficient. When the cost per click for certain keywords exceeds $1-5, your $1,000 budget may be quickly depleted, resulting in less than 300-560 clicks.

Ultimately, the crucial factor is the return on investment (ROI). If you invest $1,000 and acquire customers that generate $4,000 in profit, the investment becomes highly worthwhile. You have achieved a fourfold increase in your return on investment.

To provide some average figures for your reference,
The average conversion rate of an Ads campaign tailored for your restaurant business can vary, but it is generally considered a good benchmark to aim for around ten percent. This implies that, on average, one out of every ten clicks on your landing page may result in a genuine lead or customer. However, it's important to acknowledge that the actual conversion rate may be lower, particularly when starting a new campaign.

Developing an effective advertising strategy for a restaurant business requires time and a commitment to continuous improvement. It's common to undergo multiple iterations, learning from trial and error, in order to optimize your campaigns for better outcomes. As you accumulate more experience and fine-tune your advertising approach, you can enhance your conversion rate and achieve even stronger performance.

Make sure to regularly track and analyze your campaign data to identify areas for enhancement and implement strategies aimed at increasing your conversion rate. By experimenting with different ad formats, optimizing your landing pages, and targeting specific audience segments, you can further elevate the effectiveness of your campaigns and drive higher conversion rates.

In summary, with perseverance, thorough data analysis, and ongoing optimization, you can raise the conversion rate of your campaigns and attain improved results in your restaurant's advertising endeavors.
In smaller cities or less competitive markets, the typical cost per click (CPC) for the top positions in PPC advertising campaigns related to restaurants usually falls within the range of $1 to $5. This means that you can expect to pay within this price range for each click your ad receives.

However, in larger cities with higher levels of competition like Minneapolis, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, and others, the CPC tends to be higher. In these more competitive markets, the average CPC for keywords related to restaurants can range from $2.5 to $4 per click.

It's important to note that these figures are approximate averages and can vary based on factors such as the competitiveness of keywords, targeting settings, and overall market conditions. Monitoring and adjusting your bidding and targeting strategies accordingly can help you effectively manage and optimize your PPC budget.

By carefully managing your PPC campaigns, conducting comprehensive keyword research, and refining your targeting approaches, you can navigate the varying costs per click in different markets and maximize the return on your advertising investment for your restaurant business.

Know Your Sales Numbers

Average cost per click (CPC) for search ads by industry in 2022:
The typical cost per click for search ads in the restaurant industry ranges from $2 to $4.

Average click-through rate (CTR) for search ads by industry in 2022:
The average click-through rate for search ads in the restaurant industry is around 6-7%.

Average conversion rate for search ads by industry in 2022:
The average conversion rate for search ads in the restaurant industry varies widely, with some sub-industries having conversion rates around 2% and others as high as 15%.

Please note that these figures are based on the data provided in the content, and the specific performance of your restaurant's PPC campaigns may vary. It's important to regularly monitor and optimize your campaigns to achieve the best results.
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How to Set Up the Perfect Restaurant AdWords Campaign

Wanna take charge of Google Ads (AdWords)? Here are the critical actions you must complete to set up a campaign that will deliver non-stop leads:

Keyword Research

It's time to figure out the keywords on which you want to compete. There are a variety of methods for finding keywords:
Google Ads Keyword Planner

To effectively advertise your restaurant business, it's crucial to explore relevant keywords that align with the services you offer. By categorizing these keywords based on their relation to your business, you can optimize your advertising efforts. Let's consider bidding on phrases such as "fine dining," "casual restaurant," and "family-friendly eatery" for our restaurant business.

Ad GroupKeywords
General Restaurant + Cityrestaurant (city), dining (city), eatery (city), restaurant services (city)
Cuisine-SpecificItalian restaurant, Mexican restaurant, sushi restaurant, vegetarian restaurant
Special Occasiondate night restaurant, anniversary dinner, birthday celebration restaurant
Dining Experienceoutdoor dining, waterfront restaurant, rooftop dining
Delivery and Takeoutrestaurant delivery (city), takeout (city), food delivery services (city)
Promotionalhappy hour specials, lunch deals, weekend brunch offers
Event Hostingwedding reception venue, corporate event space, private party hosting

By using this table format, you can easily visualize and organize your ad groups and corresponding keywords for your restaurant business advertising campaigns. Remember to conduct thorough research to identify additional relevant keywords and adjust the list accordingly to match your specific offerings and objectives.

Negative Keywords
For every element of your advertising, you must conduct research for the keywords you don't want your ads to appear for.

This is one of the #1 reasons why businesses blow through their ad budgets so quickly.

You need to put negative keywords in your ad campaigns.
Let's Get Started
To ensure that your ads for your restaurant business are displayed to the most relevant audience and avoid showing them for unrelated searches, you can make use of negative keywords. Negative keywords instruct the advertising platform, such as Google, not to display your ads when those specified terms are present in user searches.

Since there can be a large number of keywords that you don't want your ads to show for in the restaurant business, it would be helpful if you could provide a list of specific terms that you want to exclude. By compiling this list, you can refine your targeting and prevent your ads from being displayed to users searching for unrelated terms.

For instance, if you don't want your ads to appear for terms like "recipes," "cooking classes," or "food delivery," you can add these as negative keywords to ensure your ads are not shown to users searching for those specific topics.

Regularly reviewing and updating your negative keyword list will help optimize your advertising campaigns for your restaurant business, ensuring that your ads reach the most relevant audience and maximize their impact.

For example:
Recipes, Cooking classes, Food delivery, Fast food, Home cooking
Discounts, Deals, Cheap meals, Takeout, Delivery serviceJobs, careers, employment, full time, part time
Craigslist, Home Depot, cooking at home, Recipe book, Home-cooked meals, Culinary school, Cooking workshops
Meal kits, Online cooking tutorials, Home chefs, Meal prep, DIY cooking
All of your top competitors
You don't want your commercial advertisements to appear for any of these linked keywords since you'll lose money and won't receive leads.

There are a lot of people searching for Cooking Classes, and there are several restaurant businesses with the word "Cooking" in their names.

Make a complete list of things to include in your negative keywords list for your advertising campaigns.

Restaurants Ad Groups & Bidding

General restaurant services: This ad group can include keywords such as "restaurant," "dining," "eatery," "food," and other related terms that represent the general services offered by your restaurant.

Location-specific ad groups: Create ad groups that target specific cities or regions where your restaurant operates. For example, you can have ad groups for "restaurant Chicago," "restaurant Los Angeles," or "restaurant New York." This allows you to tailor your ads and messaging to a specific location, increasing relevance and targeting.

Cuisine-specific ad groups: If your restaurant specializes in specific cuisines, you can create ad groups for each cuisine type. For example, you can have ad groups for "Italian restaurant," "Mexican restaurant," "Sushi restaurant," or "Vegetarian restaurant." This helps you deliver targeted ads to users searching for specific cuisine options.

Special offers or promotions: Create ad groups for special offers, discounts, or promotions that your restaurant may have. For instance, you can have ad groups for "happy hour specials," "lunch deals," "weekend brunch offers," or "weekly specials." This allows you to highlight specific promotions and attract customers looking for those deals.

Event or catering services: If your restaurant offers event hosting or catering services, you can create ad groups specifically for those services. For example, you can have ad groups for "wedding catering," "corporate event venue," or "private party hosting." This helps you reach customers interested in event-related services.

Remember to group similar service keywords together within each ad group. By using different match types like broad, phrase, or exact match modifiers, you can refine your targeting and ensure your ads are displayed to the right audience.

Here's an example of how a term from the ad group "restaurant Chicago" might look like in your campaign:

- Keyword: "restaurant Chicago"
- Match type: Phrase match
- Ad group: Location-specific - Chicago

By organizing your ad groups strategically and utilizing relevant keywords, you can optimize your restaurant advertising campaigns to effectively reach your target audience and drive customer engagement.

What is a quality score and why should it matter? Google's evaluation of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and PPC advertisements is known as a quality score. It's used to calculate your cost per click (CPC) and ad rank in the ad auction, which is multiplied by your maximum bid. Quality Score is determined by several criteria
Broad Match
Phrase Match
Exact Match
Restaurant Near Me

The broad match , which appears after a plus sign, indicates that you may show an ad for any search term if those keywords have a plus sign in front of them. They can include adjacent variants of a word, but not synonyms, and they can be in any order.

So if someone typed in “Restaurant Near Me” the broad match would show the ad, because the words are all included.
The phrase match keyword "Restaurant Near Me" in your ad group ensures your ad appears when users search for nearby restaurants. It includes the exact phrase but allows for additional words before or after.

For example, "best restaurant in Chicago IL" would trigger your ad. Using this keyword captures the attention of users actively seeking nearby dining options, driving relevant traffic to your restaurant. Optimize your ad group's performance by monitoring and adjusting bids to maximize results.
In the restaurant business, if we consider a similar concept for keyword matching, let's take the example of "[restaurant Chicago]".

Exact match is a keyword matching option that ensures your ad is shown only when the search query exactly matches the keyword or its very close variations. For instance, if someone searches for "restaurant Chicago," your ad would be triggered.

Our strategy involves creating separate ad groups for different variations of search phrases. Exact match keywords should typically have higher bids compared to broad match. This approach allows us to cover each and every keyword relevant to those specific terms.

Here's an example of what an ad group with phrase and exact match looks like for the restaurant business:

Ad Group: Restaurant Chicago
1. [restaurant Chicago] (Exact match)
2. "restaurant Chicago" (Phrase match)

By implementing this strategy, you ensure that your ads are targeted to users searching for "restaurant Chicago" specifically, capturing relevant traffic for your restaurant in that location. Adjusting bids higher for exact match keywords helps prioritize their visibility.

Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your ad groups, adjusting bids and refining keywords to improve the performance of your restaurant advertising campaigns and drive targeted traffic to your establishment.

Campaign Settings

It's critical to get your PPC campaign up and running from the beginning. When you first launch a Google Ads campaign, there are a few stages to go through.

Campaign Goal

If you click "New Campaign" on the left-hand side, it will prompt you to create a goal for your campaign. We'll choose "Leads" as the objective of our campaign.

Title Your Campaign

If your advertising campaign is specifically focused on promoting your restaurant business as a whole, it is recommended to use the name "Restaurant" as the campaign title. Typically, separate campaigns are created for different service types within the restaurant, but if the goal is to promote the overall restaurant experience, a campaign named "Restaurant" would be appropriate and straightforward.

Campaign Type

After that, we'll look at selecting a campaign type. We usually recommend beginning with a "Search" campaign. These are the primary Google advertising that will appear in Google's primary search results. In more sophisticated phases, we utilize other choices instead of search, but if you want rapid outcomes, search is the way to go.


This is a crucial distinction. If you're offering home or business maintenance services, it's important to know where they'll be performed. This is where you should input information about your service area, whether it's a radius from a city, certain cities, zip codes, and so on. Make sure to be as precise as possible. If you wish


In the networks area, there are three choices. We usually want to start with the "Search Network." There's a check box that says "Include Google search partners," which is automatically selected. We recommend leaving this box unchecked because we've discovered that the search network isn't nearly as successful at conversions. Unchecking the box next to "In


Under location options, Google automatically selects the option that says Target People in, or who show interest in, your target locations.
Even though they have (suggested) next to it, we do not recommend doing this. This indicates that if users in Colorado search for Dining or Restaurant in chicago, they will be able to see your advertisements. In our experience, very few out-of-state visitors are truly going to become viable leads.

You should select “People in your targeted locations”


For your budget, it will inquire about how much money you desire to spend each day. Since the average number of days per month is 30, divide your monthly ad budget by 30. That should be entered in here.


It's entirely up to you whether or not you'll bid on a project. We've always used manual bidding, giving us complete control over the campaign and allowing us to make decisions based on the data we have available. However, if you want things to be more automated, choose maximize conversions or target ROA. These are the most essential campaign settings

Setting Up

When setting up your advertisements for restaurants, it's important to keep a few key factors in mind to ensure their effectiveness:

  1. Relevance to the ad group: Your ads should be highly relevant to the specific ad group they are targeting. This helps in capturing the attention of the right audience and delivering a personalized message.

  2. Compelling and attention-grabbing: Your ads should catch the audience's attention and create a desire to click through to your website or landing page. Engaging headlines and persuasive content play a crucial role in enticing users to take action.

Here's an example of a well-designed and powerful ad for a restaurant:

Headline 1: Enjoy Exquisite Dining

Headline 2: Award-Winning Cuisine. Unforgettable Flavors.

Display Path: /Restaurant/CityName

Description 1: Indulge in a Culinary Journey. Reserve Your Table Today!

In addition, it's recommended to create multiple variations of your ads within each ad group. This allows you to test different headlines and determine which one performs better over time. Make small modifications and analyze the performance metrics to optimize your ad copy and increase its effectiveness.

By focusing on relevance, captivating headlines, and compelling descriptions, you can create engaging advertisements that drive clicks and generate interest in your restaurant business. Regularly monitoring and fine-tuning your ads will help you achieve optimal performance and maximize the impact of your advertising efforts.

Ad Extensions

Adding appropriate ad extensions to your ad groups and campaigns is what might make or break a campaign. These will boost your quality score since they increase click through rate. There are several variants of ad extensions to choose from.

Location Extension: We use the Google My Business page extension to really crush ads for our clients. In a nutshell, you're connecting your Google My Business profile to your advertising account. This enables you to include information about your location on your adverts, but more significantly, it allows you to advertise in the 3 Pack of Organic Maps that sits above the #1 ranked

This slot has the appearance of an ad and only shows your review stars, making it a straightforward win-win in terms of gaining people's trust, receiving a lot of calls, and earning a handsome return on investment.
When you first set up your Google My Business page, you'll have to synchronize it with your advertising account.

Call Extension

Another popular one we like to use. Call extensions enable you to include a tracking number in your Map Pack ad and display a phone number below your top advertising. This is an important concept to grasp in order for you to evaluate the success of your advertisements.

Callout Extensions:

Callout extensions allow you to advertise your company's advantages once more - they're succinct statements that emphasize benefits. We utilize phrases such as "Best Industry Warrant," "Family Owned and Operated," 0% financing, and so on to pique people's interest and connect with them.

Sitelink Extensions:

The sitelink extensions are the most common type of extension we employ. These take up the most space in advertisements and may make your ad seem considerably larger than your competition, which is a significant benefit.

Create a list of all the pages on your website that are relevant to the topic. Make sure your sitelinks link to other parts of your website that are relevant to what they're searching for. We often have separate landing pages for various types of restaurant as well as a Google advertising reviews and about us page solely for this purpose so people can
Conversions & Call Tracking

It's equally vital to set up conversions for your ad campaigns as it is to develop the ads yourself. There's no way to determine which keywords are effective and which aren't if you don't properly set these up. It throws all of marketing out the window.

There are 3 types of conversions we setup:

Type 1

Paid Google Ads Listings

Thank You Page Submissions (add conversion code to the thank you page after people finish)

Type 2

Google Maps Listings

Calls from a Landing Page (People click on an ad and then call the number on your landing page. You may use Google's call monitoring numbers, or you can set them up yourself)

Type 3

Organic Search Listings

In-App Extensions Calls (These are for the phone number that appears in your advertising if individuals call directly rather than clicking on your ad to go to your landing page)
If you’re not tracking all 3 of these, you need to set this up right now!
Websites for Restaurants That Provide Non-Stop Visitors We create high-quality, beautiful, SEO-optimized restaurants websites that generate royal customer.

Landing Pages

To improve the effectiveness of your restaurant advertising campaigns, it is recommended to create separate landing pages on your website for each ad group. This allows you to tailor the content and messaging to match specific restaurant categories or offerings. Include clear information, enticing visuals, menu options, testimonials, a strong call-to-action, and contact details on each landing page. By providing a personalized experience, you can enhance the user experience and drive more conversions for your restaurant.
Main Keyword in Top Headline
No Menu - just options to either Call or Submit Contact form, remember we don’t want people browsing around. We want to collect their information!
Advantages of your service below the headline
Relevant Image
Contact form should be as short as possible - Yes we know you want their address and more, but it’s less likely they’ll fill out all that information. We recommend just request Name, Address, and Phone
Make sure they are Mobile-Friendly
Include areas you service below
Include Reviews & Testimonials for Restaurants
Include Trust Symbols up top like BBB rating, 5 Star Review icons
Remember, you may have fantastic clickthrough rates and performance with your advertisements, but if your landing page is poor and isn't relevant to what the user was searching for, you'll waste a lot of money on advertising that won't produce results!
Dine marketers - responsive and professional website


It's time to let the advertisements do their job once everything is in place. But that doesn't imply you should just sit back and never touch anything. You'll want to spend some time looking at the data in your ad account, determining which ad groups and keywords are working and which aren't.

Look at which advertisements are performing and which aren't. It's a never-ending loop of fine-tuning until you can get our conversion cost as low as possible. From there, you may expand in size.

After you've grown, you may add another $1 to the Ads machine and produce another $5 on the backend.

That’s the power of Pay Per Click advertising.

We have clients that spend over $20,000 every month on advertisements, and others who spend less than $1,000.00 each month. Guess who's making a better profit?

You guessed it. The $20,000.
If you're looking for the best way to put your company's name out there, consider social media advertisements. This could be a good fit if you have time to create and hone your strategy. To scale in advertisements, you must invest money to make money!

Facebook Advertising

In this chapter, we have covered the essential elements of marketing for the restaurant industry, including SEO, website optimization, PPC, and Retargeting. These strategies form the foundation of our standard restaurant marketing system, as they primarily target customers who are actively looking for dining options and are ready to make a reservation or visit your establishment.

However, there is another segment of potential customers who are not yet at the final stage of the decision-making process. These individuals might be a good fit for your target market but have not yet made up their minds about dining at your restaurant. This is where Facebook and Instagram advertising can be highly valuable.

By utilizing Facebook and Instagram advertising, you can reach out to this audience and create awareness and interest in your restaurant. These platforms provide an opportunity to engage with users who may be interested in dining out but have not yet made a firm decision. Through targeted advertising campaigns, you can showcase your unique offerings, mouthwatering dishes, and inviting ambiance to capture their attention and pique their interest.

Facebook and Instagram advertising allow you to connect with potential customers, nurture their curiosity, and guide them towards choosing your restaurant for their dining experience. By incorporating these platforms into your marketing strategy, you can effectively engage with a wider range of leads and increase your chances of converting them into loyal customers.
Let's Get Started

PPC For Restaurant:
Are You Using Paid Online Advertising To Your Advantage?

A good restaurant PPC campaign may improve internet traffic and growth for your restaurant business, all from the comfort of your own home! It can aid in ensuring that your brand is prominent in your local market and provide customers with confidence to contact you. Higher ranks equal more visitors equals more clients for you.
A successful PPC marketing campaign takes time and patience to get just right, but the final product is always worth it. Dine Marketers not only has skilled PPC Managers working on your campaigns; we also know the Restaurant business inside and out. Wouldn't you want someone who understands how your rivals operate in order to handle your search engine

How can Dine Marketers help create and manage highly effective Google Ads campaigns for my restaurant?

Dine Marketers is dedicated to helping your restaurant create and manage highly effective Google Ads campaigns that are specifically tailored to your unique needs. Our expert team understands the intricacies of the restaurant industry and will work closely with you to develop a campaign that drives results and helps your business thrive. By leveraging our expertise in Google Ads, we will identify relevant keywords, optimize your ad copy, and strategically allocate your budget to ensure maximum visibility and conversion for your restaurant. Contact us today to take advantage of our specialized services and watch your restaurant flourish in the digital advertising landscape.

How can I attract customers to my restaurant using local SEO strategies and Google Map Pack?

What are the different types of conversions that need to be set up for restaurant ad campaigns?
In order to effectively track the performance of your restaurant ad campaigns, it is important to set up three types of conversions: Paid Google Ads Listings, Google Maps Listings, and Organic Search Listings. By properly configuring these conversions, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your keywords and campaigns. Tracking Paid Google Ads Listings allows you to measure the success of your paid advertising efforts, while Google Maps Listings conversions help you gauge the impact of your presence in the Maps Pack. Additionally, tracking Organic Search Listings conversions provides insights into the effectiveness of your organic search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Why is it important to have separate landing pages for each ad group in restaurant advertising campaigns?
Having separate landing pages for each ad group in restaurant advertising campaigns is vital for creating a personalized experience for potential customers. By tailoring the content and messaging on landing pages to match specific restaurant categories or offerings, you can provide clear information, enticing visuals, menu options, testimonials, a strong call-to-action, and contact details that are directly relevant to what users are searching for. This personalized approach enhances the user experience, increases engagement, and drives more conversions for your restaurant.

How can sitelink extensions enhance the effectiveness of restaurant advertisements?
Sitelink extensions play a crucial role in improving the effectiveness of restaurant advertisements. By utilizing sitelink extensions, you can make your ads appear larger than your competitors', occupying more space in search results. This increased visibility can attract more attention from potential customers. Moreover, sitelink extensions allow you to provide additional relevant links to different sections of your website, guiding users to specific pages that match their search intent and increasing the chances of conversions.

What are the benefits of using location extensions and call extensions in restaurant advertising?
Location extensions can be highly advantageous in restaurant advertising. By connecting your Google My Business profile to your advertising account, you can include location information in your ads and appear in the 3 Pack of Organic Maps, gaining trust, receiving more calls, and earning a higher return on investment. On the other hand, call extensions allow you to display a phone number below your ads, enabling potential customers to easily contact your restaurant and evaluate the success of your advertising campaigns.

How can I use restaurant local SEO strategies to advertise my restaurant?
To advertise your restaurant using local SEO strategies, focus on optimizing your online presence to show up in the Google Map Pack. This can be achieved by claiming and optimizing your Google My Business page, ensuring that your business information is accurate and up-to-date, and actively managing customer reviews. Additionally, implementing relevant keywords and location-specific content on your website can help improve your local search rankings.

Adding appropriate ad extensions to your ad groups and campaigns is crucial for the success of your restaurant advertising. These extensions can make or break a campaign by boosting your quality score and increasing click-through rates. There are several variants of ad extensions available, each serving a specific purpose.

One powerful ad extension is the Location Extension. By connecting your Google My Business profile to your advertising account, you can include information about your restaurant's location in your ads. This not only helps potential customers find you easily but also allows you to appear in the coveted 3 Pack of Organic Maps, which sits above the #1 ranked result. With review stars displayed, this placement builds trust and drives more calls, ultimately yielding a higher return on investment.

Another valuable extension is the Call Extension. By including a tracking number in your Map Pack ad and displaying a phone number below your top advertising, you can evaluate the success of your ads and measure the number of calls generated. This helps in analyzing the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimizing them accordingly.

To further highlight the advantages of your restaurant, consider utilizing Callout Extensions. These succinct statements emphasize the unique selling points of your business, such as being the "Best Industry Warrant" or "Family Owned and Operated." Additionally, promoting offers like 0% financing can capture the interest of potential customers and establish a connection with them.

Sitelink Extensions are another powerful tool in your advertising arsenal. By displaying additional links below your ad, you can direct users to specific pages on your website, increasing the chances of conversion. Create a list of relevant pages on your website that align with users' search intent, ensuring a seamless experience and enticing them with compelling content.

While optimizing your ad content is crucial, it is equally important to regularly monitor and fine-tune your ads for optimal performance. By focusing on relevance, captivating headlines, and compelling descriptions, you can create engaging advertisements that drive clicks and generate interest in your restaurant business.

To improve the effectiveness of your restaurant advertising campaigns, consider creating separate landing pages on your website for each ad group. This allows you to tailor the content and messaging to match specific restaurant categories or offerings. Include clear information, enticing visuals, menu options, testimonials, a strong call-to-action, and contact details on each landing page. By providing a personalized experience, you can enhance the user experience and drive more conversions for your restaurant.

In addition to these strategies, it is vital to set up conversions for your ad campaigns. This enables you to track the success of different keywords and optimize your campaigns accordingly. Make sure you set up conversions for Paid Google Ads Listings, Google Maps Listings, and Organic Search Listings to gain comprehensive insights into your campaign performance.

While local SEO strategies and the Google Map Pack play a significant role in attracting customers to your restaurant, it's also worth considering the power of social media advertising. By investing time and effort into creating a well-crafted social media strategy, you can reach a broader audience and generate awareness and interest in your restaurant. Remember, scaling in advertisements requires an investment to yield profitable returns.

In conclusion, by implementing local SEO strategies, utilizing ad extensions effectively, creating personalized landing pages, and monitoring the performance of your ads, you can attract more customers to your restaurant and maximize the impact of your advertising efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Guide for Restaurants

What is Remarketing and How Can It Benefit Restaurants?

Remarketing is a digital advertising strategy designed to re-engage customers who have previously interacted with your restaurant's website or app. Whether they browsed your menu, made a reservation, or simply visited your site, remarketing allows you to stay on their radar.

How Remarketing Works

When a potential customer visits your website, a small piece of code (a "pixel") tracks their activity. This enables you to create targeted ads that will appear as they browse other websites or social media platforms, reminding them of your restaurant.

Benefits of Remarketing for Restaurants

  • Increased Brand Recall: In a crowded market, remarketing ensures your restaurant remains top-of-mind, encouraging repeat visits.
  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: Ads targeting individuals who have already shown interest in your offerings are more likely to convert into bookings or orders.
  • Cost-Effective Advertising: Remarketing focuses on users familiar with your brand, offering a higher ROI compared to cold leads.
  • Competitive Edge: Regular exposure to your ads can make your restaurant stand out, especially in a competitive local market.

Implementing Remarketing

  • Google Ads: Utilize Google’s remarketing tools to create targeted ads that appear on sites across Google’s display network.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer remarketing options to reach users who have interacted with your content.

By incorporating a smart remarketing strategy, you can keep your restaurant at the forefront of potential diners' minds, driving them back for another meal.

What Are Some Common Challenges Restaurants Face with Their Websites and Marketing Efforts?

Common Challenges Restaurants Face with Websites and Marketing Efforts

Insufficient Website Traffic

A significant challenge for many restaurants is attracting visitors to their websites. Without proper optimization, your menu and services may remain hidden online.


  • SEO Optimization: Ensure your website is optimized for search engines.
  • Targeted Advertising: Use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to drive traffic.
  • Google Ads: Leverage Google Ads to capture local dining-related searches.

Struggling to Attract New Customers Locally

Even with a robust online presence, driving foot traffic to your restaurant can be challenging. Local SEO is crucial to ensure your restaurant appears in search results when potential customers look for nearby dining options.


  • Local SEO: Register and optimize your restaurant on Google My Business.
  • Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on Yelp and TripAdvisor.
  • Geo-targeted Ads: Promote special offers through ads targeting your local area.

Challenges with New Services or Locations

Expanding your offerings or opening a new location introduces unique hurdles. Ensuring your target audience is aware of these changes is vital for success.


  • Targeted Email Campaigns: Inform subscribers about new services or locations.
  • Homepage Highlights: Feature new offerings prominently on your website and social media.
  • Local Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers to spread the word.

By addressing these common challenges with structured strategies, you can enhance your restaurant's online presence and attract more customers.

How Can Restaurants Ensure Success When Launching a New Service or Opening a New Location?

Strategies for a Successful Restaurant Launch

Launching a new service or opening a new location is an exciting yet challenging time for any restaurant. Here are key steps to help ensure success:

  1. Enhance Your Online Presence

    • Optimize your website for local searches by including the new service or location in your keywords.
    • Update your Google My Business listing with the latest information.
  2. Leverage Social Media

    • Use social media to build buzz around your launch. Share teasers and run targeted ads to reach potential local customers.
  3. Implement Local SEO Strategies

    • Focus on local SEO to attract customers from your community. Ensure consistency in your online business information.
  4. Engage with Influencers

    • Partner with local influencers and bloggers to review and promote your new service or location.
  5. Host a Soft Opening

    • A soft opening allows you to test operations and generate early word-of-mouth excitement.
  6. Offer Grand Opening Promotions

    • Run special promotions to attract customers during the opening phase and encourage repeat visits.
  7. Collect and Act on Feedback

    • Use feedback from customers to make improvements and enhance customer satisfaction.

By focusing on these strategies, your restaurant can establish a strong presence in the local community and ensure a successful launch.

What Are the Benefits of PPC for Restaurants?

Benefits of PPC Advertising for Restaurants

A well-executed PPC campaign can significantly boost your restaurant's online visibility and drive more traffic to your website. Here’s how PPC can benefit your restaurant:

  • Consumer Research Behavior: Many consumers research online before choosing a restaurant, looking for menus, prices, and reviews. PPC ensures your restaurant is visible during these crucial moments.
  • Search Engine Dynamics: PPC allows your restaurant to appear at the top of search engine results, where nearly half of all clicks occur.
  • Competitive Advantage: Smaller restaurants can compete with larger chains by bidding on relevant keywords, securing top ad placements even if their organic rankings are lower.
  • Expertise and Patience: PPC campaigns require time and expertise to perfect, but the returns are worth the effort.

Dine Marketers’ PPC Managers are experts in both PPC and the restaurant industry, ensuring your campaigns are optimized for success.

How Can Restaurants Optimize PPC Campaigns?

Optimizing Your Restaurant's PPC Campaigns

To get the most out of your PPC campaigns, consider the following strategies:

  • Go Mobile: Ensure your campaigns are mobile-friendly, as a significant portion of food-related searches are conducted on mobile devices.

    • Click-to-Call: Include a click-to-call feature in your ads.
    • Responsive Landing Pages: Make sure your landing pages are optimized for mobile users.
  • Include Location-Based Keywords: Use specific location-based keywords to target local customers.

  • Use Remarketing: Re-target visitors who have interacted with your website with tailored ads.

  • Optimize Your Landing Pages: Ensure your landing pages have strong calls to action and engaging visuals to convert visitors into customers.

  • Regularly Analyze and Revise: Continuously monitor your campaign performance and make adjustments to maximize ROI.

Combining these strategies with Dine Marketers’ expertise can significantly enhance your restaurant’s PPC campaigns, driving more traffic and increasing conversions.

How Can PPC Campaigns Boost a Restaurant's Visibility Online?

Boosting Restaurant Visibility with PPC

A well-crafted PPC campaign can increase your restaurant’s online visibility by placing your ads at the top of search engine results. This visibility is crucial since most consumers don’t click past the first page of results.

  • Research Behavior: Consumers often research online before choosing a restaurant. PPC helps ensure your restaurant is seen during this decision-making process.
  • Competitive Advantage: Smaller restaurants can compete with larger chains by securing top ad placements through PPC, regardless of their organic rankings.

Dine Marketers can help your restaurant create and manage effective PPC campaigns, ensuring your business stands out in a crowded market.

Call or visit a digital marketing company that understands the Restaruant business.

We go above and beyond to educate each crew member on the ins and outs of the restaurant market before anything else. Because how can your marketing team be successful if they don't know how you operate? See what we mean when we say to book a chat with us below!


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